Sunday 24 November 2013

Breakast with the BFFs: Churros con Chocolate

Two of my dearest friends came all the way from the Netherlands for the weekend. Though both have been here for a visit, this was the first time that they came at the same time. And all I can say is that it was a riot! In a fun, laugh till you drop kind of way.  The kind of  comfort one only gets with old friends~ insider jokes, juicy revelations and sarcastic comments included. 

Today was their last day in Madrid, and what better way to greet the morning and enjoy their last few hours in Spain than to indulge in a truly typical Madrileno breakfast. 

The churreria in my neighborhood. A mere five minute walk from where I live.

A Churros Trivia. There are actually two variants of Churros in Spain. The thinner Churros  which usually comes in U-shapes is the one that's most familiar to us Filipinos.

The thicker, heftier Churros which come in foot long tubes are called porras. Though in southern Spain, such as in Andalusia, they refer to the thicker porras when they use the term  Churros. It's really a matter of preference. Do you like the crispy thin Churros or the more bready porras? I like my Churros thin and crispy:

Freshly fried crispy Churros that  are so clean tasting, with only a slightly salty flavor. Perfect for dipping into a thick cup of Spanish hot Chocolate.

A thick creamy cup of Spanish chocolate made for dipping. Delicious and just sweet enough to balance off the Churros' salty flavor.

A single serving  of 3 pcs of Churros and a cup of thick chocolate costs only 3.10 Euros ( less than 200 pesos). Not the cheapest Churros con chocolate in Spain, but still pretty  affordable. 

1 comment:

  1. wow! what an amazing blog you have!<3 If we could follow eachother on GFC, that would mean a world to me:) Thank you so much for a such an inspirational blog!<3 xx peach


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