Sunday 22 May 2011

Summer and My Stash of Korean Ice Cream

There is something wrong here. It seems that the weather gods have skipped spring for summer in Seoul. Except for a week of Cherry blossom (and death) extravaganza, all is not well. We have lost spring for summer.

The temperature is slowly climbing into the 20s and it is not even June! Ay, El Nino, is that you?

So what to do, what to do? Aside from bringing out the trusty electric fans from the closet (unless of course you are rich and can afford to turn on your AC the whole day!) there is nothing more indicative that summer is here than a sudden sale on ice cream!

I was out early today at my neighborhood grocery, and there it was, a 60% off on an assortment of frozen goodies. So being the gullible shopper that I am (and yes, frankly, I love Korean ice creams!), I picked a few of my favorite frozen delights. I hope these will last me a week! All the flavors I picked up are stuffs I have tried before and liked.
Clockwise from top left : Red Bean Ice Cream covered in white candy shell, Sweet Corn Ice Cream, Watermelon Ice Lolly, Sweet Potato Popsicle and Walnut Mochi Ice Cream.

I am not a lover of chocolate in ice cream haha, which is why there is no chocolate flavored ice goody here. Also, why settle for boring chocolate when you have such zany range of flavors to choose from? ☺ Don’t you just love the crazy and unusual flavors these Korean ice cream makers think of?

Sweet Potato Ice Cream -- I love! But then, I love anything sweet potato. Yep, I am a lover of kamote.*grins*

Sweet Corn Ice – enclosed in a sweet corn waffle thing, this is not too sweet.

Red Bean ice cream – the most traditional among my ice cream stash. If you love anything red bean (like me) you’ll like this creamy ice cream.

Walnut Mochi – Two pieces of walnut ice cream with walnut bits enclosed in real mochi. Pretty satisfying, though I have to admit that the real thing does not really look anything like the mochi in the label. ☺

Red Watermelon Lolly – Just a hint of sweetness here but a strong watermelon flavor and nibs of sweet red bean candies (the “seeds” in the ice cream). Very light and refreshing.

So that’s my recent bit on ice cream. Do you love ice cream too? I know, people would tell us to stay away from sweet indulgences such as ice cream. But sometimes we do need some, aight? Because sometimes, I do think it is so true, that indeed,

Ice cream is happiness condensed. ~Jessi Lane Adams


  1. I love ice cream! So much in fact that I think it was the culprit why my sugar shot up and I am now restricted off them (and all other sweets). =(

  2. I would love to taste the Walnut Mochi! so badly.

  3. Blackshirt13: Haha! Same! I can't eat too much sugary foods due to health reasons but I am stubborn haha, I rationalize that an ice cream a week is a valid indulgence for being good the rest of the week!

    Chew On This: I liked the Walnut Mochi! Not too sweet but really creamy :-)

    Pink Cookies: Thanks! My fave among these ice creams is the Kamote flavored one haha. But all of them are pretty good :-)


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