Saturday 15 February 2014

Sweets for Breakfast: Crownfield Milk Pillows Cereals

For someone who lives alone, breakfast is a five minute rush. A slice of bread,  some butter, and a mug of juice glugged  in one go.  But there are days when all we want is some stillness.  A breakfast meant to remind us  what the new day represents:  another journey in search for happiness. 

Weekends are the perfect time for unhurried breakfast. Sometimes, I get this  from a plate of Churros and a mug of thick chocolate.  

But  that would entail that I leave the warmth of my flat.  So mostly, I take the more economical and lazier route:  A bowl of my favourite cereal.

Pillows of wheats with a smidgen of milk cream inside.   This reminds  me of the little snacks back home called Oishi Pillows.  

The  pilllows' texture reminds me of Chex cereals: with the right blend of wheat and heft.

With milk, these cereals do not squish oh so easily into cereal mush.  The pillows' cream center is sweet yet  perfect as the skimmed milk diffuses what could be a  too intense a sugar rush.  I sometimes eat the pillows on their own, like  a snack, but to be honest, after a few handfuls, the sweetness of the cream centers makes my mouth taste like a sugar bomb.   So it is still with milk for me.   Simple.  Comforting. Delicious. 

Where to buy:  Available in Europe's Lidl Stores

1 comment:

  1. Milk Pillows are da bomb! I'm addicted to this stuff, butI try to cancel it, I just do too much of them :3


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